
Scopri cosa visitare durante il tuo soggiorno a Napoli

Museo archeologico di Napoli

Naples National Archaeological Museum

The Archaeological Museum of Naples was founded by the Borbone in 1816 and is the oldest museum in Europe. it is one of the most important in the world for the quality and quantity of the works.
The museum contains precious collections and archaeological finds staged between the prehistoric and the late Roman times, the finds of Pompeii excavations, the Egyptian and Etruscan antiquities of the Borgia collection and many other precious finds.

Open daily from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm, except Tuesday 1 January and 25 December (Hours may be subject to change, please be informed in advance)

Cristo Velato Napoli

Veiled Christ

Sanmartino’s Veiled Christ, placed at the centre of the nave of the Sansevero Chapel, is one of the most famous and evocative works in the world.
One of its admirers was Antonio Canova, who tried to buy it during his stay in Naples, and legend has it that he swore he would have given ten years of his life to have been the sculptor of this incomparable marble.

Open weekdays from 09.30 am an to 6.30 pm, Sundays and public holidays: 09.30 am to 2.00 pm (Hours may be subject to change, please be informed in advance)

Napoli sotterranea

Naples underground zone

Running beneath the Italian city of Naples and the surrounding area is an underground geothermal zone and several tunnels dug during the ages. Born after the tuff extraction for the construction of the city, these galleries have been used over the centuries in several ways: used as an aqueduct as a refuge during World War II.

Open Thursday at 9.00 pm. Saturday at 10.00 am, 12.00 pm, 04.30 pm and 6.00 pm. Sundays and public holidays 10.00 am, 11.00 am, 12.00 pm, 04.30 pm and 6.00 pm. (Hours may be subject to change, please be informed in advance)

Mozzarella di bufala campana

Mozzarella di bufala campana DOP

Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP is a Campania's traditional product made from buffalo’s milk, exported over the world. The term mozzarella comes from the name of the claw operation done to separate the dough into individual pieces.
The mozzarella is defined as the queen of Mediterranean cuisine, but also white gold or pearl of the table, for the high quality food and taste of the product.

During your stay in Naples enjoy the real mozzarella di bufala Campana DOP!